Book 1, Resonance Crystal Legacy
Jade City meets The Hunger Games in an immigrant story of love, debt, and sacrifice. Rahelu must beat her wealthy, privileged rivals in a ruthless job hunt tournament in order to save her destitute family.
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Petition is intended for a new adult/adult audience. Please refer to content advisory available here.

A 2023 Self-Published Fantasy Blog-Off Semi-finalist and 2023 Indie Ink Awards Winner!
“…the kind of story I just got lost in from the very beginning.”
—Blaise Ancona, Under the Radar SFF Books
“For readers who enjoy coming of age, a developed and systemized style of magic and augury, competition between peers sharpened by wit and by weaponry…”
—Janny Wurts, author of The Wars of Light and Shadow via Goodreads
“…as a daughter of immigrant parents, it was so relatable it stung.”
—Kerstin Espinosa Rosero, SPFBO finalist and author of Burn Red Skies via Goodreads
Publication Date
30 May 2022.
~115,000 words, or approximately 428 pages in 5″ x 8″ paperback or 372 pages in 6″ x 9″ hardcover.
Available formats:
In the Dominion of Aleznuaweite, anyone can rise to the greatest heights—if they are willing to pay the price.
Failure is a luxury Rahelu can’t afford. Her family sold everything, left their ancestral home, and became destitute foreigners for the sake of her resonance skills. Now she can manipulate emotional echoes to discern truth from lies, conjure the past, and even foretell the future.
But an act of petty revenge by her rival destroys her chance at joining one of the great Houses. Desperate to prove her family’s sacrifices were not in vain, Rahelu calls upon the most dangerous magic of all—altering fortune.
A slight twist of fate is enough to restore her way forward…with deadly consequences she never bargained for. The Houses make a pawn of her in their bitter struggle for control of the Dominion. A shadowy cult grows ever closer to completing an ancient ritual.
And Rahelu discovers that fulfilling her oath to her family might come at the cost of her mother’s life.
Read a sample from Petition
Propping open her ink-splattered parchment with her elbows, Rahelu regarded her only means of getting her family out of their miserable existence in the Lowdocks and wished she could start over. Her cramped letters were barely visible—she had diluted her squid ink with so much water it left her brush pen as a faint gray trail.
If only she could afford proper resonance ink! Then she could attach her memories as proof of her abilities instead of relying on mere words.
It doesn’t matter, she told herself as the dim light from the lamp flickered. By some miracle, the meager amount of fish oil had lasted all night. The Houses will read every word of every Petition, no matter how unpolished, as long as I submit it on time.
Or listen to the first three chapters of the audiobook and delight in the brilliant performance by Emily Woo Zeller:
What readers are saying
“Petition sticks to familiar tropes but twists them here and there and introduces a layer of the unexpected.”
—Lukasz Przywoski, Fantasy Book Critic
“…a solid debut novel, which kept me hooked from the start to the end, and twisted some of the tropes of high fantasy in a way that hit directly in the feelings.”
—Jamedi via Jamreads.com
“Waan’s prose is a balance of pain and wit, offering hilarious highs and heart-wrenching lows…I could go on forever and ever about how much I love this book…”
—Krystle Matar, SPFBO finalist and author of Legacy of the Brightwash, SPFBO9 judge for Before We Go Blog
“This is one that I think I’m going to go back to many times throughout the coming years…”
—Dominish Books
Content Advisory
Petition is a work of fiction intended for a new adult/adult audience. Reader discretion is advised.
Abuse (emotional, physical, verbal), bodies/corpses, classism, death (including murder), mature language (including profanity), mental intrusion/emotional assault, self-harm (cutting), sex (masturbation), sexual assault (attempted), slavery, and violence (including blood/gore/sex).
The following definitions have been used for intensity ratings:
Intensity | Definition |
Implied | Not directly mentioned in the text but is clear from the subtext. |
Mentioned | Text makes direction reference to the content but does not dwell on the content. Usually no more than 1-2 lines. |
Discussed | Content is the subject of direct discussion in the text but the content is not dramatized in the scene. E.g. corpses and manner of death discussed in dialogue between characters undertaking a murder investigation. |
Depicted | Content is dramatized in the scene with some descriptive detail. Usually at least several paragraphs. |
Explicit | Content is dramatized with graphic/extensive detail in the scene. |
All general content warnings apply throughout, in addition to the specific content warnings given below:
Chapter | Content (type, intensity) |
Prologue | Gore (mild, depicted), bodies/corpses (depicted), ritualistic self-harm (cutting, depicted) |
1 | Blood (minor) |
2 | Bullying (depicted), physical violence (depicted), sexual assault (attempted, depicted). |
3 | Blood (gore) |
4 | |
5 | Ritualistic self-harm (cutting, mentioned) |
6 | |
7 | |
8 | Physical violence (depicted), mental intrusion (depicted) |
9 | Physical violence (depicted) |
10 | |
11 | Sex slavery (depicted), sex (masturbation, depicted) |
12 | |
13 | Self-harm (cutting, depicted), physical violence (depicted), slavery (depicted) |
14 | Physical violence (depicted), mental intrusion (depicted), blood (minor) |
Interlude | Murder (depicted), bodies/corpses (depicted), blood (minor, depicted), gore (mild), physical violence (depicted), mental intrusion (depicted) |
15 | |
16 | Bodies/corpses (mentioned), murder (mentioned) |
17 | |
18 | Murder (discussed), bodies/corpses (discussed), blood (discussed), physical violence (discussed) |
19 | |
20 | Murder (depicted), bodies/corpses (depicted), physical violence (depicted) |
21 | Bodies/corpses (depicted), death (depicted), drug use (implied), physical violence (depicted), blood/gore (graphic, depicted) |
22 | Sex (masturbation, depicted), bodies/corpses (depicted), blood (depicted), murder (depicted) |
23 | Blood (depicted), gore (mild, depicted) |
24 | Gore (gutting a fish, depicted) |
25 | |
26 | Physical violence (threatened, implied) |
27 | Self-harm (cutting, implied) |
Epilogue | Attempted suicide (suffocation, depicted) |
A spoiler-free glossary of characters, places, and other in-world terms that feature in Petition.
ABAN—Chanazian term of address from child to father.
pronounced: AH-ban
ABMERDU—see Free Territories of Abmerdu.
pronounced: ab-MER-du
A.E./A.F.—abbreviations for “After Exile/After Founding”. Dominion calendars use “A.F.” while Chanazian calendars use “A.E.” to designate years in the present-day calendar; see also Aleznua.
ALEITUAN SEA—sea by the city of Ennuost Yrg in the Dominion of Aleznuaweite on the Ngutoccai continent.
pronounced: ah-LEY-tu-an
ALEZNUA—a civilization that once spanned the Ngutoccai continent, and ended when it fractured into the present day Chanazian Federation and the Dominion of Aleznuaweite in an event known as “Exile” in Chanaz and “Founding” in the Dominion.
pronounced: ah-LEZ-nu-ah
ALEZNUAWEITE, DOMINION OF—a nation on the northeastern part of the Ngutoccai continent commonly referred to as the “Dominion”, governed by the Houses.
pronounced: ah-LEZ-nu-ah-weight
ALEZNUAWEITHISH—adjective form of Aleznuaweite; also the language and culture of the Dominion of Aleznuaweite.
pronounced: ah-LEZ-nu-ah-weith-ish
ALIRONN—a clothier in Ennuost Yrg’s Westgate district.
pronounced: ah-LEER-ron
ANATHWAN—a Harbinger and an Elder of House Issolm.
pronounced: ah-NAHTH-wan
ANAZ—Chanazian term of address, meaning “master and teacher”.
pronounced: AH-naz
ANAZVELA—capital city of the Chanazian Federation.
pronounced: AH-naz-VEH-lah
ANENJE—Chanazian birth name for Tsenjhe Isca.
pronounced: ah-NEN-jeh
ANEST—a scrivener and the proprietor of the Silver Seal, a shop in Ennuost Yrg’s Westgate district.
pronounced: ah-NEST
ANMA—Chanazian term of address from child to mother.
pronounced: AN-mah
ANUVELOMAZ—the three great lakes of Chanaz.
pronounced: ah-nu-VE-loh-maz
ARC—unit of measurement for time. A day is divided into four arcs, with each arc divided into six spans.
Eartharc: dawn to high sun
Skyarc: high sun to dusk
Stormarc: dusk to deepnight
Stararc: deepnight to dawn
ATRIARCH—Aleznuaweithish term meaning “ruler”; both title and rank for the head of a House of the Dominion.
pronounced: AY-tree-arc
AUGUR—a mage specializing in Augury and Fortunement.
AUGURY—one of the six resonance disciplines taught by the Resonance Guild; the art of soothsaying.
AVELA—an intimate Chanazian endearment for a lover or consort.
pronounced: ah-VEH-lah
AZOSH-EK—an exile from the Divine Kingdom.
pronounced: ah-ZOH-sh-ek
BELRUONIA—Aleznuaweithish name for the nation on a continent to the far east, known only as the Divine Kingdom to its inhabitants.
pronounced: beh-LRUON-ya
BHAROST—a boar-like animal, native to the Ngutoccai continent.
pronounced: bah-ROST
BHEMOL—an Ilyn-born applicant and cousin to Nheras Ilyn.
pronounced: BEH-moll
BZEL—son of the fishmonger, Hzin, and Tseiran.
pronounced: beh-ZEL
CHANAZ, FEDERATION OF—a nation on the southwestern part of the Ngutoccai continent commonly known as “Chanaz”, governed by the archmages of the Conclave.
pronounced: CHA-naz
CHANAZIAN—adjective form of Chanaz; also the language and people of Chanaz. The Chanazian language is distinctive for its rounded syllables and flowing sounds. The “r” sound in Chanazian is pronounced with the tongue rolled back to the roof of the mouth. Native speakers of Aleznuaweithish typically struggle to pronounce the Chanazian “r” correctly.
pronounced: cha-NAH-zi-an
COMMON-BORN—a child who is not House-born.
CONCLAVE—organization responsible for the training, accreditation, and licensing of mages in the resonance disciplines, and regulation and enforcement of laws in relation to the use of resonance in Chanaz; also the governing body of Chanaz.
CONCORDANCE—a state of intense focus where two or more mages join minds to perform a blended working in concert.
CSERYL—an Ideth-born applicant; daughter of Atriarch Mere Ideth, younger sister to Keshwar Ideth, and cousin to Lhorne Ideth.
pronounced: SEH-rill
CSINYRG—an Imrell-born Supplicant.
pronounced: SIN-yirgh
CSONNYRG—Founder of House Isonn, famed for an Obfuscation barrier formation known as Csonnryg’s Trap.
pronounced: SOHN-yirgh
DEDICATE—middle rank within a House, third after Atriarch and Elder. Mages of this rank have typically developed a specialization in a particular resonance discipline.
DEEPNIGHT—time of night when the sun is at its farthest below the horizon and the sky is darkest.
DETHIRAM—a legendary archmage; Founder of House Ideth.
pronounced: deh-THI-ram
DHARYAS—an Isca-born applicant; friend of Lhorne Ideth and protege of Tsenjhe Isca.
pronounced: DAR-ryuss
DHERGHANN—a Dedicate of House Isonn.
pronounced: DER-gan
DIVINE KINGDOM—see Belruonia.
DIVINE HOLINESS—ruler of the Divine Kingdom.
DOMINION, THE—see Aleznuaweite.
EARTHGIVER—deity with dominion over the earth and land-based creatures, commonly depicted as a rounded figure with horns.
associations: darkness, harvest, protection, shield, Obfuscation
ELARAM—an Issolm-born applicant; younger sister to Ghardon Issolm.
pronounced: eh-LAH-ram
ELDER—senior rank within a House, second only to Atriarch.
ELUMAJE—a lake in Chanaz; see also Anuvelomaz.
pronounced: eh-lu-MAH-jeh
ENITH—an Isonn-born applicant.
pronounced: EE-nith
ENJELA—a legendary archmage of old Aleznua.
pronounced: en-JEH-lah
ENNUOST YRG—a city in the Dominion of Aleznuaweite.
pronounced: EHN-nu-oh-st YIRGH
EVOCATION—one of the six resonance disciplines taught by the Resonance Guild; the art of remembrance.
EVOKER—a mage specializing in Evocation.
EXALTED DOMINANCE—the highest political office in the Dominion, chosen from amongst the Atriarchs of the Houses.
FANUEN—a net-maker from a fishing village by the shores of the Elumaje in Chanaz.
pronounced: fa-NU-en
FORTUNEMENT—one of the six resonance disciplines taught by the Resonance Guild; the art of change.
pronounced: for-TUNE-ment
FREE TERRITORIES OF ABMERDU—an archipelago east of the Ngutoccai continent, renowned as a lawless haven for freebooters, smugglers, and exiles, and a place where ritual scarring is widely practiced.
GHARDON—an Issolm-born applicant; elder brother to Elaram Issolm.
pronounced: GAR-don
GHELIK—Aleznuaweithish slur meaning “foreigner”.
pronounced: GEH-lick
GHERORG—proprietor of Gherorg’s Elixirs, an apothecary in Ennuost Yrg’s Blackforge district.
pronounced: geh-RORG
GUARDIAN—a mage specializing in defensive applications of the resonance disciplines, particularly Obfuscation.
GUILD, THE—see Resonance Guild.
HARBINGER—a mage specializing in offensive applications of the resonance disciplines, particularly Projection.
HEMORU—a fisher; consort to Jenura and father of Rahelu.
pronounced: heh-MOR-ru (with Chanazian “r”)
HIGH SUN—the time of day when the sun is at its apex in the sky. See also arc.
HNITH—an Imrell-born applicant.
pronounced: hin-NITH
HNUARE—clothier and proprietor of the Impeccable Mage in Ennuost Yrg’s Sunset district.
pronounced: hu-NAH-rei
HOUSE—an Aleznuaweithish designation, given in recognition for a body of Guild-accredited mages who collectively hold sufficient wealth, power, and influence over the affairs of the Dominion of Aleznuaweite. Each House is led by an Atriarch and named after its founder, whereby an “I–” prefix is added to the first syllable of the founder’s name. The Dominion currently recognizes eight Houses.
Major Houses: Ideth, Isilc, Isonn, and Imos.
Minor Houses: Imrell, Issolm, Isca, and Ilyn.
HOUSE-BORN—a child born to (or adopted and raised by) at least one parent who has been accepted by and sworn oaths to a House.
HZIN—a fisher and seafood hawker of a stall in Market Square; consort to Tseiran and father of Bzel.
pronounced: he-ZIN (very short “he”, where the “e” has an “er” sound)
IDETH—a major House in the Dominion of Aleznuaweite, founded by the legendary archmage Dethiram.
Present Atriarch: Mere Ideth
colors: pale green and sky-blue
pronounced: ih-DETH
IDHAR—a hypothetical name for a House founded by Dharyas.
pronounced: ih-DAR
ILYN—a minor House in the Dominion of Aleznuaweite founded by Lynath Ilyn; the newest and least of the eight Houses.
Present Atriarch: Lynath Ilyn
colors: red and cream
pronounced: ih-LIN
IMBUEMENT—the art of infusing objects with resonance.
pronounced: im-BUE-ment
IMOS—a major House in the Dominion of Aleznuaweite, by virtue of its vassal, House Imrell.
colors: yellow and white
pronounced: ih-MOSS
IMRELL—a minor House in the Dominion of Aleznuaweite; vassal to House Imos.
colors: orange and white
pronounced: ihm-RELL
ISHTREL—a bird with very colorful and striking breeding plumage, known for its elaborate courtship displays.
pronounced: ISH-trel
ISCA—a minor House in the Dominion of Aleznuaweite.
colors: dark blue and copper
pronounced: ih-SCA
ISILC—a major House in the Dominion of Aleznuaweite; its reigning Atriarch, Relk Isilc, is the current Exalted Dominance.
Present Atriarch: Relk Isilc
colors: purple and black
pronounced: ih-SILK
ISONN—a major House in the Dominion of Aleznuaweite.
colors: dark green and brown
pronounced: ih-SOHN
ISSOLM—a minor House in the Dominion of Aleznuaweite.
colors: white and black
pronounced: ih-SOLM
IWETH-NA—an exile from the Divine Kingdom.
pronounced: ih-WETH-nah
JENURA—a fisher and seafood hawker; consort to Hemoru and mother of Rahelu.
pronounced: je-NU-rah (with Chanazian “r”)
JHEI—an Elder of House Isonn.
pronounced: JHEI
JHOBON—an Imrell-born applicant.
pronounced: JOH-bon
KESHWAR—an Augur and a Dedicate of House Ideth; son and heir of Atriarch Mere Ideth and elder brother to Cseryl Ideth.
pronounced: KESH-waar
KEZ—Aleznuaweithish unit of currency, with denominations of copper, silver, and gold.
pronounced: KEZ
KIRAN—an Ilyn-born applicant; cousin to Nheras Ilyn.
pronounced: KIE-ren
KUAL—Aleznuaweithish unit of measurement for distance.
pronounced: cue-AHL (the syllables are often rolled together)
KUAST YRG—a city in old Aleznua; the site of the legendary archmage Tsilm’s death.
pronounced: cue-AST YIRGH
KUATH BAY—small bay of the port city of Ennuost Yrg.
pronounced: cue-ATH
KYROSH—an Isilc-born applicant, dubbed Whiplash by Rahelu for his primary weapon.
pronounced: KIH-rosh
LHORNE—an Ideth-born applicant; nephew of Atriarch Mere Ideth and cousin to Keshwar Ideth and Cseryl Ideth.
pronounced: LORN
LYNATH—Atriarch of House Ilyn; grandmother to Nheras Ilyn.
pronounced: lih-NATH
MAGE—a person who primarily earns their living through the use of resonance skills. This is a regulated profession in the Dominion of Aleznuaweite and Chanaz. Mages are required to undergo training with official bodies, complete licensing examinations, and maintain ongoing certifications in order to legally practice.
MAKETH—a Guardian and a Dedicate of House Imos.
pronounced: ma-KETH
MERE—Atriarch of House Ideth, an archmage and a powerful Augur; mother of Keshwar Ideth and Cseryl Ideth.
pronounced: MIR (as in “mirror”)
MRELLOS—Founder of House Imrell.
pronounced: m-RELL-os
NELA—intimate Chanazian term of address for a child, meaning “of my heart”.
pronounced: NEH-lah
NELAN—intimate Chanazian term for younger sibling/charge, meaning “of my heart”.
pronounced: NEH-lan
NGUTOCCAI—name of the continent shared by the Dominion of Aleznuaweite and the Chanazian Federation.
pronounced: ngu-TOH-kai
NHERAS—an Ilyn-born applicant; granddaughter of Atriarch Lynath Ilyn, cousin to Bhemol Ilyn and Kiran Ilyn.
pronounced: NEH-ras
NHESHWYR—a deadly, venomous snake-like animal.
pronounced: NEH-shwir
NHIROM—an Elder of House Isca.
pronounced: NIH-rom
NHORWEN—an Elder of House Imos.
pronounced: NOR-wen
NO-SLEEVES—see Ylaen.
NOLM—proprietor of a clothing stall in Ennuost Yrg’s Market Square.
pronounced: NOLM
OBFUSCATION—one of the six resonance disciplines taught by the Resonance Guild; the art of suppressing resonance.
ONNEJA—a journeymage of the Conclave in Chanaz.
pronounced: oh-NEH-jah
PESHWAN YRG—a port city in the Dominion of Aleznuaweite, located on the easternmost point of the Ngutoccai continent.
pronounced: PESH-wan YIRGH
PETITION—a formal written application for admittance to the Houses of the Dominion. Any graduated mage in good standing is eligible to apply. Applications are accepted by the Houses once per year on Petition Day. Successful applicants become temporary members of the Houses on a trial basis, with the rank of Petitioner. Permanent membership to the Houses is subjected to the satisfactory completion of the trial period known as “Petitioning”.
PROJECTION—one of the six resonance disciplines taught by the Resonance Guild; the art of amplifying resonance.
PIZUAR—Aleznuaweithish slur meaning “fake”.
pronounced: pih-ZUURE
QUESTRYL—a solitary sea bird known for its long migratory routes.
pronounced: QUE-stryl
RAHELU—a common-born applicant of the Lowdocks, formerly of a fishing village by the Elumaje lake in the Anuvelomaz region of Chanaz; daughter of Hemoru and Jenura.
pronounced: rah-HEE-lu (with Chanazian “r”)
RALOSH—an Isilc-born applicant.
pronounced: rah-LOSH
RESONANCE—emotional imprints left by souls upon the world which echo through time. All sapient creatures capable of experiencing emotion are born with the ability to sense and manipulate resonance.
RESONANCE CRYSTAL—a solid, crystalline substance that stores and transmits resonance.
RESONANCE DISCIPLINES—the various skills of manipulating resonance. The Resonance Guild in the Dominion teaches six resonance disciplines: Seeking, Projection, Obfuscation, Evocation, Augury, and Fortunement.
RESONANCE GUILD—the House-funded organization responsible for the training, accreditation, and licensing of mages in the resonance disciplines, and regulation and enforcement of laws in relation to the use of resonance in the Dominion of Aleznuaweite, commonly known as “the Guild”.
RESONANCE WARD—a specific design constructed from physical materials used to affect the flow and transmission of resonance.
ROYAL COUNCIL—governing body comprised of the Atriarchs of the major Houses in the Dominion, excluding the Exalted Dominance.
RUALK—an Isonn-born applicant.
pronounced: RUH-aalk
SABLE GULL—an inn in Ennuost Yrg’s Lowdocks district; see also Tlareth.
SEEKER—a mage specializing in Seeking.
SEEKING—one of the six resonance disciplines taught by the Resonance Guild; also known as the art of truth-telling.
SHUATH—a clothier in Ennuost Yrg’s Westgate district
pronounced: shu-ATH
SKYMOTHER—deity with dominion over the known, commonly depicted as a feminine visage in the sky
associations: light, day, harp, lamp, summer, skyarc, knowledge, past, present, Seeking, Evocation
STARFATHER—deity with dominion over the as-yet unknown
associations: night, chance, stars, stararc, Augury, Fortunement
STORMBRINGER—deity with dominion over sea, lakes, rivers, and other bodies of water.
associations: water, judgment, spring, storm, stormarc, spear, Projection
SPAN—unit of measurement for time. Each arc of the day is divided into six spans. Spans within an arc are typically numbered from the marker for that arc, e.g. the first span after sunrise.
SUBORNED—a state of being where an individual’s will and consciousness is made subservient to another’s through the use of an Imbued object, typically forged in the shape of a collar or a chain worn around the neck.
SUPPLICANT—a junior rank within the Houses, given to the newest recruits who have been granted permanent membership.
SUUSRADI—river located south of the city of Ennuost Yrg.
pronounced: suu-SRAH-dee
TATTERED QUILL—a scrivener’s workshop in Ennuost Yrg’s Blackforge district; see also Xyuth.
TLARETH—proprietor of the Sable Gull, an inn in Ennuost Yrg’s Lowdocks district.
pronounced: teh-LAH-reth
TSEIRAN—consort to Hzin and mother of Bzel.
pronounced: SEY-ren
TSENJHE—a common-born Dedicate of House Isca and highly reputed artificer, who hails from the same fishing village as Rahelu. See also Anenje.
pronounced: SEN-je
TSILM—a legendary archmage who developed the advanced Obfuscation barrier formation known as Tsilm’s Defence.
pronounced: SILM
TSIMOL—an Isonn-born applicant.
pronounced: SIH-moll
TSOJO—river located north of the city of Ennuost Yrg.
pronounced: SOH-joh
UNOMELAJE—glacier in Chanaz.
pronounced: u-NOH-meh-LAH-jeh (primary stress on “la”)
UVESHT-MO—an exile from the Divine Kingdom.
pronounced: u-VESH-t-mo
VENAZ—intimate Chanazian term of address for elder sister, meaning “of my heart”.
pronounced: VEH-naz
WELM—a grain factor in the city of Ennuost Yrg.
pronounced: WELM
XYUTH—a scrivener and proprietor of the Tattered Quill in Ennuost Yrg’s Blackforge district.
pronounced: ZAI-youth
YLAEN—an Imos-born applicant, dubbed No-sleeves by Rahelu due to his penchant for cutting the sleeves off his shirts to display his ritual scarring.
pronounced: ye-LANE (often mispronounced IH-len by Aleznuaweites)